
turbin280kg by 3D

    February 2023 :

    Production of a 280kg turbin

    lamellar graphite cast iron 250+ 2% Ni

   for a Belgium customer entirely realized by

   3Dprinting sand printing process

cylindre de compresseur en 3D

    January 2022 :

    Réalisation of a compressor cylinder

    by 3Dprinting sand :

    750 kg lamellar graphite


  Fonderies Vignon with our parteners ,
  in the Midest Global Industrie exhibition
  from the 06 to the 09 septembre 2021 in
  Lyon Eurexpo.


We pool our resources with 5 foundries, an engineering consulting firm
and l'Union of Industries and Trades of the Métallurgy
a production compagny of sand moulds and cores
by 3D printing.

Press report published in " l'Usine Nouvelle" of 03/04/2019 read the original article in french

The regional progress plan foundry worker (20 foundries ) we acticely take part
allow us mutualize our efforts in various fields :
-the environnemental regulation watch
-the security with the label ELOISE
-the continuous improvement with a mutual consultant and projects
-the flow simulation and the 3D sand printing with the science faculty of Reims.